About us
We aspire to be the leading European collection of sustainable local pizza brands. With our franchise-based business model, we are active in the pizza limited-service restaurant market with leading brands across Europe.
Combining local brands in Europe
The European Pizza Company has more than 90 years of experience in the pizza business. We have grouped our first three brands under the TEPC holding company: Kotipizza (est. 1987) in Finland, New York Pizza (est. 1993) in the Netherlands and in Germany, and Da Grasso (est. 1996) in Poland. Our aim is to lead with differentiation and quality, combined with localness, technology and positive impact on the society and the environment.

TEPC at a Glance
Number of pizzerias
Consumer sales
EBIT (adj.)
Management team

Chief Executive Officer
Tommi Tervanen

Chief Financial Officer
Sybren Aaij

Head of Sustainability & Compliance
Anna Rahikainen

Head of Sourcing
Anssi Koivula

Head of M&A, Strategy and Business Development
Linn Margrete Skogseid

Strategy & Performance Director
Jaap Wildeboer

Group Finance Controller
Alessio Riggi

Global ESG Manager
Valentin Lohff
Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board
Audun Stensvold

Board Member
Aaron Moore-Saxton

Board Member
Belinda Gerdt